Hola Amigos! I miss all of you, however I have been having a super duper time! From snorkeling to hanging out at the beach with my new cruising friends the fun never ends. I'll start with my new friends: AnnMarie,Brian,Brady,David,Sam,Chris,and Josh. It's really fun to actually have kids my age! The weather of course is ah-maz-ing. I can't remember a day yet that I have had to stay on the boat all day. Of course, I don't think my parents could keep me cooped up in our boat all day. I've been snorkeling on the reefs and seen some lion fish. So far, no one has been stung or pricked by the lion fish. They are an invasive species. The barracuda sightings are minimum surprisingly I've seen more sea turtles than barracudas. The sea turtles are everywhere, one swam right under me when I was on the reef. Did you you know when sea turtles have their heads above water they look like upside down pineapples!? Weird! Let me tell you one thing its short and simple. Hermit crabs pinch really hard when they get on your foot! I can't believe how dark a tan I have since I've been here. I've only worn my bathing suit and shorts most of the day. Okay I just need to say it: I CAN'T BELIEVE ON CHRISTMAS MORNING I WENT SWIMMING OUTSIDE AND THE WATER WAS WARM!!!!!! Well that's it for you chick-a-Dee's. Adios amigos and thanks for reading my blog. Later Gators and have a good uh... whatever the next holiday is! ; )